Showing Tag: "moscow" (Show all posts)

The Dark Side of Moscow

Posted by Megan Roney on Wednesday, January 6, 2010, In : Culture 

If you find yourself in Moscow in winter and a local offers to show you around town, a word of advice: either wear every piece of clothing available in your suitcase, or (when in Rome…) down at least three shots of vodka before heading out.  Both of these options will help you combat the intense cold, although the latter may leave you hugging the ol’ porcelain throne the few next days.  

Unequipped with my own advice, I threw on only one pair of long johns beneath my jeans and sweater,...

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Bus(t)ing Through Moscow

Posted by Megan Roney on Saturday, January 2, 2010, In : Sight Seeing 
Everyone is looking forward to enjoying our day off today in Moscow.  Especially since our kind security team has organized a bus tour of the city.  Cruising the streets of Moscow in the comfort of a heated bus sounds ideal!  

After pilfering a sack lunch from the hotel's continental breakfast, Chris and I head to the lobby with our cameras and notebooks in hand.  Once we've all assembled, Tatiyana (our Russian tour guide) leads us to the purple coach bus we'll be traveling in for the day.

We s...

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About Me

Megan After a while of traveling in foreign countries, you begin to realize that it's not just your luggage that can get lost. When you don't speak the language, you loose your ability to speak. If you can't decipher the written word, you loose your ability to read. And if you can't read the signs to know where you're going, you yourself can get lost. It can be a bit overwhelming, and at times humiliating, but I'm sure even Odysseus experienced frustration on his adventurous travels. This blog is my account of my travels. Hopefully, my blunders will assure others that they are not the only ones lost in translation.

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